Devoted exclusively to the creative process. Here you will see photojournaling, poetry, prose, an occasional review--journaling or philosophical writing can be found on our other blogs. This is our attempt to use our imaginations. Enjoy!

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Abandoned baby / squashed bunny

Taken 21st October, 10 minutes apart.


Stickleback2 said...

Carnage in the Highlands has a quirky beauty!

Vatsala said...

delicious!serve on the platter ;)

Russell CJ Duffy said...

a balance of horror

deemikay said...

And on top of all of that it was raining. But rain makes for nice photos.

Stickleback: carnage indeed... not as interesting as the dead squirrel I once saw though (no camera that day!) However, I have to confess to being a lowlander, unfortunately.

Steamroller: the blood was quite fresh looking, so not *that* old a bit of roadkill. Therefore, almost edible. (The crows seem to have got there first though.)

CJ: The wider pictures are worse - countless barbies and other doll just dumped on the road - arms and heads everywhere.

(Also noticed that I'd put the non-colour version of the first up by mistake... been rectified.)

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