Devoted exclusively to the creative process. Here you will see photojournaling, poetry, prose, an occasional review--journaling or philosophical writing can be found on our other blogs. This is our attempt to use our imaginations. Enjoy!

Friday, March 10, 2006

little razor

in my mind she's bleeding,
little razor in her fist,
patterns formed in flesh
that puddle blood on
worn keys.
the screen is cold and lifeless
and offers only the cruelest
of hopes.
and my heart feels chill
even though she is but a rumour
to me, a distant begining
of a friendship newly formed.
of a friendship duely joined.

love is large and never
small and encompasses globes
and time and space.
you cannot barter with its
warm heart and you cannot
hear its screams.
even when continents
divide you and oceans
weep across the blue,
the faintest cry can
still be heard
of a friendship newly formed.
of a friendship duely formed.

words by cocaine jesus


Inkblot said...
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Russell CJ Duffy said...
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Diana Sahu said...

very nicely written

Russell CJ Duffy said...


Prmod Bafna said...

What a pleasure to have been reading this! beautifully written!

Russell CJ Duffy said...

xfreakx>>>and about a very beautiful person too.

anonant said...

This makes me think of Trans' unique ability to touch our human nerves softly and gently but have by powerful impact move our souls an inch closer to....
I read somewhere that writing is like sitting at a typewriter and opening your veins to bleed your heart out on the paper. This poem is like that.
Rock on CJ

Russell CJ Duffy said...

anonant>>>thank you for comparing me to the beautiful and talented trans.
i think that the quote you mention is just about right. a little dramatic but nonetheless true.